Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year!

I can't believe how fast 2010 went... and at the end of it I realised that I don't really have any record of how life is to look back on and I wish I did.  I also want to support other parents and parents to be who are travelling through adoption land.

Masses of progress were made by all three this year - from GG's first supermarket trip alone, to Gem making lasting friendships and LM's seperation anxiety is lessening every month. I've got to the stage where i'm trying out hair dye with the sole intention of getting rid of the grey. I know its futile but i'm going to pretend to be young! My goals for this year are to guide my Gem through contact with her younger sibling - they have just made conatct and the siblings parents don't know yet which is turning into a nightmare.  I am also trying to have a fourth child (my first biological one) and in a month the insemination will go ahead hopefully and a while after that i'll know whether i'm pregnant or not! I'm VERY excited about this! It's gonna be a busy year...

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